The Looft Lighter offers the fastest, safest and cleanest way to light your grill or fireplace. It starts your fire in just 60 seconds with extremely hot air. Whether it's charcoal, briquettes or logs. NO gas, NO flames and NO fluids needed. Simply put: the perfect solution.
FAST - The Looft Lighter reaches temperatures of 1200°F and gets your charcoal glowing in 60 seconds.
VERSATILE - Charcoal grill, pizza oven, fireplace logs and briquettes. Looft Lighter gives a perfect glow in no time.
SAFE - No gas, no flame and no fluids means you control the fire with nothing more than heated air. And the safety housing cools within seconds after use.
CLEAN - With the Looft Lighter, there are no CO2 emissions and no toxic chemicals. Smelly firelighter liquid is a distant memory!
Looftlighter Fire Starter
Light it - Set up a pile of charcoals. Touch them to the tip of the Looft lighter and press the button.
Hold - Keep your Looft Lighter pointed at the same spot for approximately 60 seconds.
Step Back - When sparks or a glow appear, step the Looft Lighter back a few inches. The space given will help the heat spread and work its magic.